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M.Sc. degree program


Econometrics is a four-semester Master’s degree program offered by TU Dortmund University, Ruhr-University Bochum and the University of Duisburg-Essen. The program is run jointly by the economics departments of the three universities and the Department of Statistics at TU Dortmund University. It is aimed at quantitatively oriented students who hold a B.Sc. in Economics, Statistics, Mathematics or related disciplines and combines the expertise and breadth of the participating departments in economics and empirical economic research with the methods-oriented training of the statisticians and econometricians at Germany’s only statistics department.

Econometric methods are increasingly gaining importance in research, business and the public sector. Students of Econometrics are capable of using mathematical models to quantitatively describe and analyze problems that arise in companies, research, government, financial institutions and other organizations. They have an extensive understanding of statistical methods and an in-depth knowledge of central economic causal relationships and the resulting econometric questions.

Course Catalogue

Study format: Master’s degree program
Duration:            2 years | 4 semesters | full time
Period of implementation: Winter semester
Summer semester
Teaching: On campus
ECTS Credits: 120
Qualification: M.Sc. in Econometrics
Language: English
Program fees:   
Registration period:       Winter semester: 1 January to 15 July
Summer semester: 1 November to 15 January

Further information about the degree program you can find here:

Website Master Econometrics